Having auto insurance is always important, especially because there are so many types of uncontrollable risks to today's drivers. The simple fact is that you cannot always be in control of what's happening on the road. The right car insurance reduces the financial risks you face when hitting the road. Yet, there are steps you can take to improve your chances of avoiding these risks. For example, deer crashes are one key area to focus on.
According to the National Safety Council, deer crashes are numerous. In 2003, 530,000 animal-related accidents occurred, amounting to 100 deaths and 10,000 injuries. Deer are a key component of that. How can you avoid these risks? Consider these key tips.
- From sunset to midnight are target hours for deer activity. During these times, be more attentive. You will find this is the most common time for deer to dart out into the street.
- Notice and drive cautiously when you see deer-crossing signs. These are commonly present in wooded areas. You'll also want to monitor areas that are wooded or near open fields, even if no signs are present.
- Keep in mind that deer seldom run alone. If you spot one, scan the area for others. Generally, deer will be present in groups.
- Turn on your high beams when you are traveling along dark roads alone at night. These help you to see the road at a longer distance while also expanding your vision along the sides of the street, where deer are most commonly present.
- If you see a deer in your lane, brake. Don't swerve into another lane of traffic. This can lead to collisions with other cars. It's always a good idea to drive a bit slower in high risk areas.
Keep in mind that products like deer whistles and fences are not the most reliable solution. If you want to avoid risks with deer, you'll need to improve your driving safety instead.
Deer-related car crashes can be very dangerous, to both you and your vehicle (and the deer!). When you have the right type of car insurance, you can protect yourself from financial risk. And with these driving tips, you can protect your family from these road risks.
Your safety is our priority. Call States Insurance Agency at 727-863-8818 for more information on auto insurance.
Do you have any other tips for avoiding crashes with deer, or other wild animals? Share your experiences in the comments section below.